Good to know

A few tips to help you prepare your trip


Your passport must be valid for 6 months after your return date. Children must have their own passport.

At the airport, change only the money necessary to buy the visa (40 JD now – Jordanian Dinars). There is a better exchange rate in exchange offices or in a bank down town.

No specific vaccination is necessary, however it is advisable to be up to date with them !

"A QR code is to be taken 10 days before your departure on"


Money : Credit cards and traveller’s cheques are rarely accepted. You can easily exchange cash or use cash machines (ATMs) at banks or at larger hotels. Exchanging cash is more attractive (less bank charges).

Banks are closed on Fridays and Saturdays (Jordanian week end). On other days, they close at 3pm .

Time difference : This year, so we will have a 1 hour time difference


There are pharmacies, but you will not always be in a city.

An ultra yeast capsule per day during your stay is a good idea. Jordan is not very “risky” but remain cautious : have bottled drinks or cola and try to avoid raw food !


An invitation to drink tea or coffee (flavoured with cardamom) can not be refused. This is an opportunity to get acquainted with local people.

Jordanians will be very flattered if you know a few words of Arabic.

Haggling is customary but do it only if you are really interested in the object.


You can know the weather via websites (weather jordan), however, know that there are easily 8-10 ° difference between Amman and Aqaba in the south.


Dates depend on the visibility of the moon. It should begin this year on March 11 2024 and about April 09 2024 approximately.

Tourism works during this period, no worries! You just have to be a little more foreseeing, patient and tolerant.

Extra tips

Towels are not provided in certain hotels.

Bring a sleeping bag for the night in the desert , shoes for the water in the Red Sea, a torch or headlamp.

You will find bottled water everywhere.

Since September 2015 there is a very interesting pass including visa and some visits.
Go to:
This is all explained.
Just the visa and Petra and is reimbursed !

Print the pass, pay online and submit it to the visa office on arrival at the airport and site entries.

That’s all !

Certain discounts can be obtained with a student card.

Most shops are closed on friday, day of prayer, but some of them reopen in the afternoon.

Tipping is an institution in Orient. Nobody will claim but it is customary to leave a tip, especially when you are satisfed with the services, carrier, driver, guide…

Hotels and restaurants charge a commission of 10% for service.